Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Earn Money While we browse internet very easy


               Now i have registered with mybrowsercash. It is very simple way to earn money online. Just register your account through this link . After the registration you need to download a Addon and install it, this addon is used for serving ads for us. It automatically show a pop up windows for Advertisement while we are browsing on the internet, just we need to click it. daily one time we need to login and set the settings for ad frequency from account settings. find the below screen shots.

find the below earnings in a couple of days.

Monday, July 4, 2011

How to delete the print jobs by commands

If you stuck to delete the print jobs, the alternate way is through commands.
   Here we will use just simple commands like net, cd and del.

Step 1: - To stop the printer spooler - from command prompt - net stop spooler
Step 2:-  To entering the printer directory - from command prompt - cd \windows\system32\spool\printers
Step 3:-  Delete the .shd extension files - from command prompt - del *.shd
Step 4:-  Delete the .spl extension files - from command prompt - del *.spl
Step 5:-  Finally start the printer spooler - from command prompt - net start spooler
          Now check the printer tray icon and refresh it.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to view forest and domain functional levels

To viewing the forest and domain functional level in the active directory.

Step 1 :- Open the active directory users and computers mmc snap in console. By executing the                 command dsa.msc .
Step2 :-   Right click on the root domain and click properties. now domain properties will open. From             there we can view the domain and forest functional levels under in the general tab.

We can view the information from windows xp and windows server. In windows xp , windows 2003 support should be installed to view the information .For more information watch the below video.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Active Directory – Container objects


Container Objects:-

1. Forest
2. Domain Trees
3. Domains
4.  OU’s

             The largest container objects with active directory are forest. The forest container defines the fundamental security boundary within the Active directory. Which means that users can access resources across an AD forest using the single logon / password combination additional logon would be?
Required to access resources across more than one forest.
             To improve the efficiency of active directory, it divides information into multiple partitions also called naming contexts (NCs). Each domain controller copies of the ntds.dit database file will contain a minimum of three Naming contexts. The following two naming context are replicated forest-wide and are thus stored in the ntds.dit file on every domain controller in a forest.

1.       Schema NC (or) Schema Partition
2.       Configuration partition (or) configuration NC

Schema NC:-

                The schema partition or schema NC contains the rules and definitions that are used for creating and modifying object classes and attributes within active directory.

Configuration Partition:-

                The configuration partition or configuration NC contains the information regarding the physical topology of the network as well as other configuration data that must be replicated throughout the forest.
          Because the schema NC is replicated forest wide, each AD forest has a single schema that is shared by every domain and domain tree within the forest. The information in the configuration NC is similarly shared by all domains in a single forest.
                Each domain controller also stores a copy of the domain NC, which is replicated to each DC within a single domain. The domain NC consists of users, computer and other resources information for a particular active directory domain.

In my next post I will explain about components of Domain trees, domains and OU’s.

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